This blog is a written form of my blogtalkradio show Conversations With The Queen that airs on 109-9penstation every Monday night @9pmEST. On this blog you will be able to catch exclusive information and insight that might not be shared on the show and catch up on missed shows.
Supta Virasana, the reclining variation of Virasana, is an intermediate pose. DO NOT perform this pose
unless you can sit your buttocks relatively easily on the floor between your feet.
(soup-tah veer-AHS-anna)
supta = lying down, reclining
vira = man, hero, chief (compare Latin vir, “man,” the root of English words virile and virtue)
Step by Step
Perform Virasana. Exhale and lower your back torso toward the floor. First lean onto your hands, then your forearms and elbows. Once you are on your elbows, place your hands on the back of the pelvis and release your lower back and upper buttocks by spreading the flesh down toward the tailbone. Then finish reclining, either onto the floor or a support.
If your front ribs jut up sharply toward the ceiling, it’s a sign of tight groins, which pulls your front pelvis toward your knees and causes your belly and lower back to tense. Use your hands to press your front ribs down slightly and lift your pubis toward your navel. This should lengthen your lower back and lower it toward the floor. If it doesn’t, raise yourself onto a higher support. Then lay your arms and hands on the floor, angled about 45 degrees from the sides of your torso, palms up.
Sink the heads of the thighbones deep into the back of the hip sockets. It’s alright to lift your knees a little away from the floor to help soften your groins; in fact, you can raise your knees a few inches on a thickly folded blanket. You can also allow a little bit of space between your knees as long as your thighs remain parallel to each other. Do not, however, allow the knees to splay apart wider than your hips – this will cause strain on the hips and lower back.
To begin, stay in this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Gradually extend your stay to 5 minutes. To come out, press your forearms against the floor and come onto your hands. Then use your hands to lift your torso into Virasana. As you come up, lead with your sternum, not your head or chin. Come out of Virasana in the recommended manner.
Stretches the abdomen, thighs and deep hip flexors (psoas), knees, and ankles
Strengthens the arches
Relieves tired legs
Improves digestion
Helps relieves the symptoms of menstrual pain
BlackFire is an amazing spoken word artist. He works to uplift the community by the power of word sound. So join Conversations with the Queen as we conduct an exclusive interview with BlackFire addressing the power of sound vibration. The call in number is 917.932.8881
Patrick "BlackFire" Beadle
aka Ras Sabur Tafari
BlackFire was born on in Jamaica and imported into the United States
of America at age three, when His ‘tour of duty’ began. Life in this
strange and distant land proved to be lonely and full of challenges
which BlackFire has overcome along His journey through Music and the
study of Ancient African Empires and the Modern Royalty of the
Ethiopian Dynasty His Imperial Majesty Haile Sellassie1st, Emperor of
Ethiopia. Ethiopia which is the land BlackFire claims as His Soul’s
birthplace is the only African Country never colonize by Europeans.
BlackFire turns to SPOKEN WORD (Word-Sound-Power) to reach into the
depths of His soul and create the healing messages of Truth that fuel
His hot, hot, hot fire to defend BLACK AMERICA and “The Way of Rasta.”
BlackFire is a successful author of several inspiring books,
including “In Defense of His Majesty: Poems by BlackFire,” “Young
Lion: A Poetic Journey Through Spirit and Scripture In a Modern
Context,” and “This Land Is My Land: a disposition on how our land was
stolen for trinkets.” He is also the best in Urban Dub Poetry Reggae
Style and Spoken Word Poetry, proven in His brilliant albums “I Am
Here,” “This Land Is My Land: Audio Version,” and the most recent
creation “The Way of Rasta.” BlackFire is a Lover of Music like His
Africa Fathers and Mothers, and says it is through MUSIC that He learn
to keep His head Up as a "Conquering Lion!"
His credits are numberous Including a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Biology and Biochemistry, Teaching English in Baltimore Middle School,
Organizing Adult Literacy Program in West Africa The Gambia,
Publishing a Paper on Malaria from Johns Hopkins University and Still
Performing his gifted poetry around the world including 48 of the 50
states winning Slam competitions from Coast to Coast. Some of His
local work includes featuring; Underground Sugar Hill, Lavish Lounge,
Apache Cafe, Grounds Coffee Shop, Silvers Delight Carribean
Restaurant, and various festivals and community centers including
working close with Al Sharpton's Brother, Minister Glascows "Ordinary
People Doing Extraordinary Society!"
BlackFire Gives Thanks first to The Almighty Creator, and all Jah Jah
Children seeking the Heights of Mount Zion and a way out of poverty.
He works ceaselessly to help those in need, especially women and
children, by donating his time, energy, and resources to liberate
minds, heal souls, establish Equal Rights and Justice on Earth, and
Bless struggling Brothers and Sisters with prosperous works that
benefit many lives and positively uplift whole communities. He is
constantly creating strong cultural and spiritual events and
gatherings to bring together Jah People in the High vibration of One
Love and progressing for Peace. His Organizations include
P.U.R.E.(Pure: Urban Reggae Energy) his motto is "People Perish For A
Lack of Knowledge." BlackFire is a Devoted Rastafari and Ghetto Street
SoulJah/Soldier who guides others who are searching for the Truth by
spreading the great knowledge of Black Monarchy and by sharing His own
Loving Wisdom through His infinitely creative works. One True Love He
says often reminding Us that Love is still the greatest weapon and
This show will help to shed light and bring awareness to the natural hair movement. We will have a great panel of guests featuring; Jessyca Marshall, Derek Rouse, Loreen Hall of Natural Notts, & Lyndia West who will enlighten us on the world of natural "highly textured" hair. So tune in and enjoy! The call in number is 917 932 8881
Loreen Hall
Miss Natural Notts, aka, Loreen Hall Olympic Athlete, who represented Great Britain, as a track athlete, for 7 years (Most memorable moments, during her athletic career are: Being ranked the fastest track athlete, in Europe, over 400m, at 17yrs old, ranked the fastest track athlete, in the UK, over 400m, at 19yrs old, 3 time Gold Medalists at the Australian Games and Olympic 400m, Quarter Finalist at 20yrs old. Post Graduate in Psychology and Media Journalism (Former TV presenter for ITV Television) Jewellery Artist: Founder & C.E.O. of two jewellery businesses: and And the C.E.O. & Founder of Natural Notts on Facebook and The fastest growing natural hair forum in the UK and a popular base for natural hair care advice and inspiration.
Jessyca Marshal
Jessyca Marshall, LMSW and Founder, Naturally Beautiful Hair Care
Jessyca Marshall founded Naturally Beautiful Hair Care, based out of Brooklyn, NY, to provide a holistic approach to hair care and beauty. Her company focuses on addressing the emotional, psychological, spiritual, and health perspectives of beauty. On her own personal journey to embracing herself naturally, she discovered the need for such an approach and found that it was largely lacking in the natural hair community. She embraces and promotes all natural products and combines mental wellness, health, and spirituality in beauty treatments. In addition to mastering a technique that provides an alternative to small locks that uses a hair interlocking/inter-woven method, Jessyca is a New York State Licensed Masters Level Social Worker with a Bachelors in Social Work from the University of Pittsburgh, and a masters in Social Work from Columbia University. She has spoken on various panel discussions regarding natural hair the psychological impact it has on Black women. She hosts events and mixers to promote the natural beauty of Black woman and is also the creator of the Brothas that Love Sistas with Natural Hair branded events to discuss the relationships and interactions between Black Men and Women around natural hair. Additionally, she provides internships to high school level females interested in natural hair care in Brooklyn, NY. She is adamant about advocating the natural beauty of Black woman, as well as natural and holistic means of maintaining beauty and wellness.
You can check out her website at or call 800.309.7520.
—A 23 year old social entrepreneur and youth ambassador from Philadelphia, PA. He is the Founder/CEO of Ma'at International, a Pan-African cultural tourism travel club network, as well as current Vice President. of the National Alliance of Market Developers (NAMD) organization in Philadelphia, one of the oldest and largest African-American marketing. PR, and business professional organizations in the U.S.
Ma'at International is an “Africana Studies” Group Travel Club, Youth Study Abroad Honors Organization, and Global Cultural Tourism-Investment Network started in January 2011 by 23 year old social entrepreneur & Africana Studies student, Derek "D.International" Rouse from Philadelphia, PA. The name “Ma’at” was chosen because she is the Kemetic (Egyptian) deity of Truth, Order, Law, Morality, Justice, Reciprocity and Balance. All of these principles are what they teach and what their company stands upon. They are an organization creating platforms for international opportunities in volunteering, internships, labor, investing, & "Know Thy Self" cultural exchange & study abroad tours. We want to help educate students, teachers, mentors, and parents about the importance of Africana Studies by combining socially-conscious traveling & interactive education thru national & international cultural tourism of historical sites, culturally conscious concerts/event series, and community development through wealth-building, co-branding, & fundraising.
In today's world it is becoming more common to experience relationships with more than one long term partner. With the lack of information preparing us to live wholistic lives many of us struggle to maintain healthy relationships. How do we heal from the traumas of separation and cultivate the strength to move forward? Join us as we discuss the wholistic methods of separating from long term relationships and marriages while maintaining and cultivating wholistic peace, balance, and wellness with legendary wholistic practitioner, author, and wholistic entrepreneur Queen Afua. The call in # 917.932.8881
Avalaura Gaither Beharry is a healer, Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Life Coach and Spiritual Counselor who has assisted numerous individuals and families. She is the owner of Avalaura's Healing Center in College Park, MD. Using various healing modalities including Marabout spiritual healing, Spiritual counseling/Life Coaching, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Dream Interpretation, and more, she empowers and inspires you to discover your true self and divine potential to live the life you desire to live. Avalaura specializes in helping people remove hidden obstacles and solve difficult problems. She is a Licensed Graduate Social Worker who holds both Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Howard University in Washington, DC. For more information about Avalaura visit her online at
Ever wonder what your dreams mean? Well dreams can be an important way the spirit world sends you messages about relationships, love, family, and life. Decode your dreams with the wholistic health expert Avalaura of Avalaura’s Healing Center, by tuning in Monday March 11 @9pm Et. The call in number is 917.932.8881.
I am open and ready to receive healing. As a Creator/Creatress I create the necessary energy to go forward in my life. I am in a constant state of progress and success. I am healing energy! ~ase
Sit on the floor with your buttocks supported on a folded blanket and your legs straight in front of you. Press actively through your heels. Rock slightly onto your left buttock, and pull your right sitting bone away from the heel with your right hand. Repeat on the other side. Turn the top thighs in slightly and press them down into the floor. Press through your palms or finger tips on the floor beside your hips and lift the top of the sternum toward the ceiling as the top thighs descend.
Draw the inner groins deep into the pelvis. Inhale, and keeping the front torso long, lean forward from the hip joints, not the waist. Lengthen the tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. If possible take the sides of the feet with your hands, thumbs on the soles, elbows fully extended; if this isn't possible, loop a strap around the foot soles, and hold the strap firmly. Be sure your elbows are straight, not bent.
When you are ready to go further, don't forcefully pull yourself into the forward bend, whether your hands are on the feet or holding the strap. Always lengthen the front torso into the pose, keeping your head raised. If you are holding the feet, bend the elbows out to the sides and lift them away from the floor; if holding the strap, lighten your grip and walk the hands forward, keeping the arms long. The lower belly should touch the thighs first, then the upper belly, then the ribs, and the head last.
With each inhalation, lift and lengthen the front torso just slightly; with each exhalation release a little more fully into the forward bend. In this way the torso oscillates and lengthens almost imperceptibly with the breath. Eventually you may be able to stretch the arms out beyond the feet on the floor.
Stay in the pose anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes. To come up, first lift the torso away from the thighs and straighten the elbows again if they are bent. Then inhale and lift the torso up by pulling the tailbone down and into the pelvis.
Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings
Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus
Improves digestion
Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort
Soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue
Therapeutic for high blood pressure, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis
Traditional texts say that Paschimottanasana increases appetite, reduces obesity, and cures diseases.
Kenita Gordon-Hinson, aka 7 is also the author of, "Love-n-Life", Wholistic Spiritual Life Guide , fashion designer and creator of KENITA culture couture line,
CEO of "starlight wholistic inner-prize" which includes Starlight Naturals products, Living foods Gourmet Chef, astro herbal mixologist understudy and director of operations at Reflective Gateways and Body Ecology Life Sciences Attunement Center (, est 1975 by her husband Artis Hinson. 7 established growing organizations such as "The Art in Life Foundation" "the Salad Initiative", "Woman's Wellness Initiative", The Taste of Life Network, The Art of Living Foods institute , Daughter of Life and 7 Star Gourmet Life foods. "My inspiration is knowing where I have been, and seeing where I am now. I live to share inspiration for natural living and valuing the body temple, for I return the gift of life that was shared with me. "Are you aware of your Chakra system and your light body? If so are you aware of how to keep them in balance? This show will explore methods and ways we can make sure we are spiritually fit and balanced. Our guest speaker will be 7 of Body Ecology Life Sciences Attunement Center. So join us as we address this very imperative topic. The show will start Mon. @9pm Et and our call in # is 917.932.8881